Nitrogen fertilizers with Calcium and Sulphur

Alte forme de Azot


The adequate and integrated nutrition of plants, is the key for the robustness and high productivity of crops in modern agriculture.

Out of the total of nutrients, that’s are necessary for plants, Nitrogen, Calcium and Sulphur belong the most fundamental and are vital to developing crops and maximizing their yields.

Nitrogen (N), more than any other nutrient, is involved in the vital functions of growth and production. As a component of chlorophyll, it is involved in the process of photosynthesis and the production of carbohydrates. As a structural element of amino acids, proteins and nucleic acids, it plays a key role in all metabolic processes, in reproduction and, finally, in the growth and yield of crops.

Calcium (Ca) with its presence in all developing parts of plants, promotes the robust growth of roots and shoots. At the same time, its participation as a structural element of cell walls and membranes, ensures the support of the plant and its ability to exchange elements with the environment. The adequacy of Calcium at all critical stages of growth, plays a key role in the development of the crop, ensures good flowering and fruit setting and increases the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the final production.

Sulphur (S), is one of the most important nutrients in the growth and yield of crops. Its role is two-fold. It participates directly, as an element in the nutrition of plants, but also contributes to the intake and utilization of other nutrients. Increases the absorption and utilization of Nitrogen by plants, solubilizes and makes available Phosphorus and Trace Elements, promotes root growth, enhances the production of proteins and carbohydrates and improves the quality of products.

SulfoCan® are top Nitrogen fertilizers, that incorporate all the latest research data on plant nutrition. They combine, in excellent way, the two assimilable forms of Nitrogen, with Calcium and Sulfur, create synergies between them and maximize their absorption and utilization by plants, increasing the yields of crops.

Their special production method optimizes the availability of nutrients in the root environment, while their unique ability to supply plants with assimilable forms of nutrients, at all stages of growth, improves nutrition, promotes root and shoot growth, enhances photosynthesis and metabolism of plants and increases their productivity.


Pentru mai multe informații despre azot și importanta acestuia


Azotul, apa, carbonul, oxigenul și hidrogenul sunt elemente nutritive fundamentale pentru viața în general și pentru fiecare ființă vie în natură. În cazul plantelor, azotul este mai implicat decât orice alt nutrient în formarea corpului plantei și funcțiile vitale ale dezvoltării și producției. Ca si componentă a clorofilei, este implicată în procesul de fotosinteză și producerea de carbohidrați, care constituie baza lanțului alimentar și singurul motiv pentru care oamenii au dezvoltat agricultura. Ca element structural al aminoacizilor, proteinelor și acizilor nucleici, azotul are un rol pivot în conversiile energetice, reproducerea plantelor de-a lungul timpului și în creșterea și randamentul culturilor. Lipsa de azot duce la un sol mai puțin fertil, la scaderea creșterii, la degradarea prematură a plantelor, la reducerea producției și la o calitate mai slabă. Excesul sau duce la vulnerabilitatea bolilor și condițiilor de mediu, întârzie înflorirea, reduce numarul fructelor, întârzie maturarea și dăunează producției. Furnizarea suficientă și gestionarea rațională a azotului sunt factorii cei mai importanți pentru sănătatea și productivitatea culturilor din agricultura contemporană.

 Surse de azot pentru plante

Azotul este cel mai abundent gaz atmosferic și ocupă 78% din volumul total al atmosferei. Acesta variază de la 0,05 la 0,4% pe stratul de suprafață al pământului și se găsește aproape integral în formă organică. În ciuda faptului că culturile se dezvoltă într-un mediu cu o abundență de azot, plantele – cu excepția leguminoaselor – nu pot absorbi și utiliza azotul atmosferic. Ele nu pot utiliza azotul organic în sol decât dacă a fost deja descompus și transformat în forme absorbabile. Acesta este motivul pentru care lipsa de azot este cea mai frecventă deficiență nutrițională în culturi și principalul factor care împiedică randamentele mari. Gestionarea rațională a azotului și aprovizionarea suficientă cu acesta a culturilor a fost o preocupare de bază a practicilor agricole de-a lungul timpului, a fost un catalizator în dezvoltarea sistemelor de recoltare și este direct legată de dezvoltarea agriculturii din cele mai vechi timpuri până în zilele noastre.

 Absorbția Νitrogenului

Plantele absorb azotul din sol sub formă de nitric (ΝΟ3-Ν) și sub formă de amoniacal (ΝΗ4-Ν) . Nitrogenul amoniacal formează legături puternice cu solul și este absorbit de rădăcinile plantelor pe măsură ce cresc și vin în contact cu particulele de sol. Azotul nitric se mișcă liber în sol, se apropie de rădăcini și este absorbit de plante prin apa din sol. Este crucial ca ambele forme de azot să fie prezente în sol pentru ca culturile să aibă o dezvoltare sănătoasă, pentru un randament crescut și pentru o calitate mai bună a producției.

SulfoCan Nitro 24-0-0 (14) +11CaO

SulfoCan Nitro® is a high-quality Nitrogen fertilizer that combines in a balanced ratio (50:50) the rapid effect of Nitric (NO3) and the extended availability of Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH4), with the multiple agricultural benefits of Calcium.

The simultaneous presence of Nitric and Ammoniacal Nitrogen in the soil, ensures the smooth nutrition of the crop with Nitrogen, both in the early stages of vegetation and flowering and in the later stages of fruit set and fruit development.

Excellent source of absorbable Calcium (Ca) for plants, contributes to the development of a strong root system and robust vegetation, promotes rich flowering and good pollination and ensures high and quality yields.

The Sulfur (S) it contains, is readily available in culture and enhances the absorption of Ammoniacal Nitrogen, promotes the growth of the root system, increases the intake of Phosphorus and Trace Elements and participates in the formation of proteins and aromatic compounds, improving the quantitative and quality characteristics of production.

Combining, with an ideal ratio, Nitrogen, Calcium and Sulfur, SulfoCan Nitro® is the best choice for top dressing fertilization of winter cereals, but also of all crops in all types of soils.

Azot (Ν) Azot amoniacal (NH4) Azot nitric (NO3) Sulf (SO3) Calcium (CaO) Bor (B)

SulfoCan Borax 24-0-0 (14) +11CaO +0,3B

SulfoCan Borax® is a top-quality Nitrogen fertilizer, which have been created for the effective supply of crops with Nitrogen, Calcium, Sulfur and Boron.

The balanced ration (50:50) between Nitric and Ammoniacal Nitrogen, offers integrated nutrition of the crop with both forms of Nitrogen, ideally supporting the formation of robust vegetation, rich flowering and high fruiting.

The Calcium (Ca) it contains, promotes the creation of root system and robust leaf surface, improves flowering and fruit setting and increases the size, weight and firmness of the fruit.

Boron (B), increases the flowering and fertility of flowers, enhances fruit setting and contributes to the production and movement of carbohydrates, improving the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of production.

The supply of directly assimilable Sulphur (S) to the crop, affects the growth of the root system, stimulates the synthesis of proteins and other important Nitrogenous compounds, while increasing the absorption and utilization of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Trace Elements by plants and maximizes fertilization efficiency and yields.

SulfoCan Borax® is the best choice to meet the needs of crops that are pursued high and quality productions, such as arboriculture and vegetables.

Azot (Ν) Azot amoniacal (NH4) Azot nitric (NO3) Sulf (SO3) Calcium (CaO) Bor (B)

SulfoCan® are high-quality Nitrogen fertilizers, which have been developed to effectively supply of the crop with fully assimilable Nitrogen and meet their needs for Calcium and Sulphur.

In each granule, they combine in a balanced way (50:50) the rapid action of Nitric (NO3) with the prolonged availability of Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH4), and they cover in an excellent way, both the immediate and long-term needs of the crops.

The Nitric Nitrogen is immediately absorbed by the roots, covering the current needs of the plants, while the Ammoniacal Nitrogen is absorbed gradually, offering sufficient and prolonged nutrition of the crop for a long time.

The Calcium (Ca) of SulfoCan® is contained in the form of Sulphate salt. In this way, they ensure the immediate supply of the plants with sufficient amounts of assimilated Calcium, and at the same time escalate the supply of the crop, covering its needs in the later stages of fruiting. Thus, they contribute to the creation of rich root system and robust leaf area, enhance flowering and fruit setting, and increase the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of production.

Sulphur (S) is contained in the form of Sulfate anion (SO42-) and is readily available from the culture, unlike elemental and organic Sulphur, which need to undergo microbial conversion in order to be absorbable by plants.

Early application of SulfoCan® promotes the good establishment of the crop in the soil, contributes to the development of robust root system and rich vegetation, and enhances the defense of plants against pathogens and adverse environmental conditions. Late applications increase flowering, improve fruit setting and ensure the fruit growth.

An additional supply of Boron (B) to crops, especially in arboriculture and horticulture, prevents any deficiencies of this element, stimulates the production of metabolic substances and the circulation of carbohydrates and promotes the development of vegetation and fruiting, significantly increasing the yields.

The special ratio of nutrients, the high solubility and the excellent granulometry, make SulfoCan® the best choice for top dressing fertilization of all crops, in all types of soils.