Innovative fertilizers with nanopolymer technology

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Integral plant nutrition and the development of fertilizers form the core of modern agriculture and are inextricably linked with increased crop yields and a better food quality..

However, the degree to which fertilizers are utilized is not entirely up to plants. The properties of the soil have a determining effect on fertilizer utilization, and high losses of nutrients reduce the efficiency of fertilizing.

Over 40-50% of Nitrogen (N) is vaporized into the atmosphere and leached into the deeper layers of the soil, thus significantly reducing its utilization by the crops. In just a short amount of time, Phosphorus (P) forms poorly soluble compounds, is stabilized in the soil, and only 15-25% of the quantity applied remains available to the plants. Potassium (Κ) is leached into the deeper layers in sand soils, while in heavy clay soils it is bound by phyllosilicate minerals and rendered unavailable to plants during periods when the crops have high requirements in it.

The development of new technologies – such as nitrification inhibitors, chelates, various polymers, osmotic and polyanionic resins, and nanotechnology – are at the heart of modern research for the purpose of increasing the utilization of fertilizers by plants and achieving an integral nutrition of the crops and higher yields.

Through the ΝHET nanotechnology that is integrated in each granule, these fertilizers prevent the immobilization of the nutrients in the soil and minimize losses to the environment, thus increasing the availability of nutrients to the plants, maximize the efficiency of fertilizing, and secure nutrient sufficiency to the crops for a long period of time.

The unique capacity of Ωmega fert fertilizers to supply the plants with assimilable forms of nutrients improves crop nutrition and plays a determining part in increasing the yields and improving the quality of agricultural products.

Ωmega 26N 26-0-0 (29)

Ωmega 26N 26-0-0 (+29) is advanced technology Nitrogen fertilizer, specially designed to provide complete and efficient crop nutrition in both assimilable forms of Nitrogen and Sulphur.

In its production process, NHET nanotechnology is incorporated into each granule which multiplies the nutrient value of the fertilizer, maximizes fertilizer efficiency and increases crop nutrient utilization.

The special ratio (3: 1) between Ammoniacal (NH4) and Nitric (NO3) form ensures adequate and smooth nutrition of the plants with both forms of Nitrogen. Nitric Nitrogen is absorbed directly from the roots and covers short-term growth needs, while Ammoniacal Nitrogen is retained in the soil and prolongs the supply of the crop for a longer period.

The presence of Sulphur (S) increases the absorption and utilization of Nitrogen by plants, directly affects the development of the root system and stimulates the synthesis of Nitrogen compounds that increase yields and quality characteristics of production.

The ideal combination of nutrients with NHET nanopolymer technology make Ωmega 26N 26-0-0 (+29) the most innovative Nitrogen fertilizer in modern agriculture and a top choice for top-dressing fertilization of all crops in all soil types.


Nitrogen (Ν) Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4) Nitric Nitrogen(NO3) Phosphorus (Ρ2Ο5) Potassium (Κ2Ο) Magnesium (MgO) Sulphur (SO3) Boron (B) Zinc (Zn) Iron (Fe)

Ωmega 26N solub 26-0-0 (29)

Ωmega 26N solub 26-0-0 (+29) is advanced technology Nitrogen fertilizer, fully water-soluble, it’s combines in a special ratio (3: 1) the Ammoniacal (NH4) and the Nitric (NO3) form of Nitrogen, with the Sulphur and innovative technology of nano polymer NHET.

Nitric Nitrogen is promptly absorbed by the roots and provides the required energy for the rapid growth of the roots and the above-ground part of the plants, while the Ammoniacal spreads the nutrition of the crop over a longer period of time.

The Sulphur (S) contained is taken in by the plants, immediately affects the growth of the root system, and it increases the absorption of Nitrogen by the crop when entering the metabolism.

NHET’s nano polymer technology increases Nitrogen utilization and ensures smooth and complete crop nutrition with fully assimilable Nitrogen as the last stage of harvest.

Through a specialized production process, the Ωmega 26N solub 26-0-0 (+29) granules are fully water-soluble, which allows them to be used in fertilizing conducted both with a fertilizer distributor, as well as through fertigation systems.

Ωmega 26N solub 26-0-0 (+29) is the most innovative and pioneering Nitrogen fertilizer in modern agriculture and is the top choice for top-dressing fertilization of all crops, in all cultivation systems (outdoor – greenhouse).

Nitrogen (Ν) Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4) Nitric Nitrogen(NO3) Phosphorus (Ρ2Ο5) Potassium (Κ2Ο) Magnesium (MgO) Sulphur (SO3) Boron (B) Zinc (Zn) Iron (Fe)

Ωmega favorite 24-0-0 (32) +2MgO +0,3B

Ωmega favorite 24-0-0 (+32) + 2MgO + 0,3B is advanced technology Nitrogen fertilizer, with nanopolymer technology NHET, which have been created for the excellent and efficient nutrition of crops with Nitrogen and Sulphur and to meet their needs in Magnesium and Boron.

The ideal ratio between Ammoniacal (2/3) and Nitric (1/3) Nitrogen, the high Sulphur content and the presence of Magnesium and Boron, in combination with the advanced technology of nanopolymer macromolecules NHET, fully covers the nutritional requirements of plants, in all critical development stages, maximizes the effectiveness of top-dressing fertilization and contributes significantly to increasing the efficiency and quality of the final production.

The presence of NHET nanopolymer technology, increases the utilization of Nitrogen by plants, reduces its losses in periods of drought and promotes the smooth nutrition of crops with Nitrogen, both in the vegetative phase and in the development of fruit.

The Magnesium (Mg) and Boron (B) it contains, enhance the photosynthesis and the production of nutrients in the leaves, which are necessary for the growth of robust vegetation, the achievement of good fertilization of flowers and the increase of size, weight and quality characteristics of fruits.

The additional enrichment with Sulphur (S) encourages the absorption of Nitrogen, favors the intake of Phosphorus and Trace Elements and at the same time participates in the formation of proteins and aromatic compounds that improve the size and organoleptic characteristics of the produced fruits.

Ωmega favorite 24-0-0 (+32) + 2MgO + 0.3B is a top choice for top-dressing fertilization of olives, vegetables, vines, citrus and other fruit trees, in all soil types.

Nitrogen (Ν) Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4) Nitric Nitrogen(NO3) Phosphorus (Ρ2Ο5) Potassium (Κ2Ο) Magnesium (MgO) Sulphur (SO3) Boron (B) Zinc (Zn) Iron (Fe)

Ωmega fert 15-25-0 (29)

Ωmega fert 15-25-0 (+29) is innovative Nitrogen-Phosphorus fertilizer that incorporates NHET nanotechnology and has been developed to offer high-quality nutrition to all crops with high demands in Phosphorus, such as the winter cereals, forage and industrial plants.

The presence of the NHET nanopolymer prevents the immobilization of Phosphorus (P) on the soil and makes it available and easily exploitable by plants for a long period, actively contributing to the development of a robust root system and vegetation, to smooth transition of plants to the reproductive stage and in increased fruit setting.

It contains all the Nitrogen (N) in Ammoniacal form, which is a high-energy nutrition for plants and preferably Nitrogen form in the early stages of growing.

The Sulphur (S) contributes the absorption of Ammoniacal Nitrogen, directly influences the growth of the root system, improves the intake of Phosphorus and Trace Elements and participates in the synthesis of proteins and aromatic compounds which improve the qualitative and organoleptic characteristics of the production.

The combination of Ammoniacal Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur with NHET technology creates synergies between the nutrients, promotes their utilization by plants and maximizes the efficiency of fertilization. Ωmega fert 15-25-0 (+29) is ideal choice for the basic fertilization of winter cereals, forage and industrial plants.

Nitrogen (Ν) Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4) Nitric Nitrogen(NO3) Phosphorus (Ρ2Ο5) Potassium (Κ2Ο) Magnesium (MgO) Sulphur (SO3) Boron (B) Zinc (Zn) Iron (Fe)

Ωmega fert 18-18-0 (38) +0,1Cu

Ωmega fert 18-18-0 is an advanced technology NP fertilizer, rich in Sulfur and enriched with Copper, specially designed to meet the requirements of winter and spring cereals, legumes and vegetables.

The presence of NHET nanopolymer macromolecules in each granule, prevents the immobilization of Phosphorus in the soil and makes it active and assimilable by cultivation for a long time. Prolonged utilization of Phosphorus, promotes good plant establishment in the soil and early growth of the root system, and plays a key role in the fertility of flowers and fruit filling in later stages, increasing their size and weight.

Contains all Nitrogen in Ammoniacal form (100%), which is high energy food for plants and preferred form of Nitrogen in the early stages of development. The balanced relationship between Ammoniacal Nitrogen and water-soluble Phosphorus (90%) improves nutrition, promotes the formation of vegetative and flower organs and contributes the smooth transition of the crop to the reproductive phase, ensuring rich flowering and increased fruit setting.

NHET technology chelates the Copper (Cu) of the fertilizer and keeps it available for cultivation in times of high demand. Copper is a catalyst for the biosynthesis of chlorophyll and increase photosynthesis, reduces the sensitivity of plants to tilting and strengthens their defenses in adverse conditions, and enhances the formation of reproductive organs and the germination of pollen, ensuring the fertilization of flowers and fruit growth.

Rich in Sulfur (S), it promotes the absorption of Ammoniacal Nitrogen, maximizes the uptake of Phosphorus and Trace Elements, stimulates the growth of the root system and participates in the creation of proteins and aromatic compounds that improve the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of production.

Ωmega fert 18-18-0 is the best choice for the basic fertilization of arable crops, in all types of soils, but also of all crops where Copper has a significant effect on their growth and productivity.

Nitrogen (Ν) Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4) Nitric Nitrogen(NO3) Phosphorus (Ρ2Ο5) Potassium (Κ2Ο) Magnesium (MgO) Sulphur (SO3) Boron (B) Zinc (Zn) Iron (Fe)

Ωmega fert 18-23-0 (23)

Ωmega fert 18-23-0 (+23) is advanced technology compound Nitrogen-Phosphorus fertilizer that incorporates the innovative NHET nanotechnology and is designed to best meet the high requirements of crops in Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur in all types of soils.

It contains 92% of the Nitrogen in the high energy form of Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH4), which creates bond with the nanopolymer, maximizing the absorption and utilization from crop.

The high content of water-soluble Phosphorus (P) is protected from undesirable soil reactions, remains active and exploitable for a long period, and contributes decisively to establishment of the crop in the soil, to development of a strong root system and robust vegetation and to increasing of fertility and fruit setting.

The Sulphur (S) is important for the crop nutrition and assimilability of the rest fertilizer’ s nutrients. It increases the utilization of Nitrogen, improves the intake of Phosphorus and Trace Elements, directly influences the growth of the root system and participates in the synthesis of proteins and aromatic compounds which improve the qualitative and organoleptic characteristics of the production

The elemental composition, the high solubility and the excellent granulometry, make the Ωmega fert 18-23-0 (+23) suitable for the basic fertilization of extensive crops in all types of soils and especially of winter and spring cereals, and all crops with high demands on Nitrogen and Phosphorus.

Nitrogen (Ν) Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4) Nitric Nitrogen(NO3) Phosphorus (Ρ2Ο5) Potassium (Κ2Ο) Magnesium (MgO) Sulphur (SO3) Boron (B) Zinc (Zn) Iron (Fe)

Ωmega fert 12-8-17 (30) +2MgO +2CaO +TE

Ωmega fert 12-8-17 is advanced technology Potassium Sulfate fertilizer, which incorporates NHET nanotechnology. Rich in primary and secondary elements, it responds perfectly to the nutritional requirements of the most crops, in all soil and climatic conditions.

NHET nanotechnology prevents the immobilization of nutrients in the soil and minimizes losses to the environment, keeping them active and absorbable by the crop for a long time.

The Nitrogen along with Phosphorus, Boron and Zinc, promote the vigorous growth of root and vegetation, achieve rich flowering and ensure the smooth development of fertilization and fruit setting. The high concentration of Potassium Sulphate, favors the uniform ripening and early harvest of fruits and increases the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of production.

The Calcium (Ca) it contains, is immediately available in the crop. In the early stages, it ensures the creation of a rich root system, robust leaf area and enhances the fertility of the flowers, while in the later stages, it increases the number of formed fruits, reduces their rejection and contributes significantly to the improvement of their quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

It is a top choice for the basic fertilization of arboriculture (olive, citrus, fruit), kiwi, potato, carrot, vegetable and viticulture, in all types of soils.

Nitrogen (Ν) Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4) Nitric Nitrogen(NO3) Phosphorus (Ρ2Ο5) Potassium (Κ2Ο) Calsium (CaO) Magnesium (MgO) Sulphur (SO3) Boron (B) Zinc (Zn) Iron (Fe)

Ωmega fert 14-8-18 (30) +2MgO +TE

Ωmega fert 14-8-18 (+30) +2MgO +0,02B +0,01Zn is advanced technology multinutrient fertilizer, specially designed to ideally satisfy the needs of crops in which Potassium exerts a crucial role on the crop’s quantity and quality. It contains all Potassium (K) in the form of fully water-soluble Potassium Sulphate, which easily absorbed by plants and does not burden crop with the toxic for most plants Chlorine.

During its production process, NHET nanotechnology is incorporated into each granule, which prevents the inactivation of fertilizer’ s nutrients in the soil, increases their utilization by the crop and maximizes the efficiency of fertilization.

Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH4) creates bonds with NHET nanopolymer and ensures maximum availability and absorption by plants, both in the vegetative and reproductive stages of growth.

Potassium Sulphate (K) and Magnesium (Mg) are protected by leaching to sandy soils and by strong bonds in clay soils and are maintained available for a long period. In this way, their supply to the crop is escalating and increase the production of carbohydrates and sugars which are necessary for the development of vegetation and fruit and for improving of quality.

The presence of ΝΗΕΤ, inhibits the immobilization of Phosphorus (P) in the soil and increases its intake and effective utilization by the crop, covering the fully requirements of plants at the main stages of the rooting, flowering and fruit setting, where Phosphorus sufficiency has a decisive effect on evolution and yield of the crop.

The Sulphur (S) increases the absorption of Phosphorus and Trace Elements by the crop, and also contributes to the best utilization of Nitrogen. In combination with Potassium Sulfate, it improves the quality and organoleptic characteristics of the produced fruit.

The ideal ratio of nutrients as well as their high assimilability, the high solubility and the excellent granulometry, make Ωmega fert 14-8-18 (+30) +2MgO +0,02B +0,01Zn the top choice for basic fertilization in the whole range of arboriculture, viticulture and horticulture in all soil types.

Nitrogen (Ν) Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4) Nitric Nitrogen(NO3) Phosphorus (Ρ2Ο5) Potassium (Κ2Ο) Magnesium (MgO) Sulphur (SO3) Boron (B) Zinc (Zn) Iron (Fe)

Ωmega fert 14-18-14 (27)

Ωmega fert 14-18-14 (+27) is advanced technology chemical fertilizer derived from Potassium Sulphate, rich in Sulphur. It has been development to offer quality and integral nutrition to crops with high requirements in Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium and are sensitivity to Chlorine.

During the production process incorporates NHET nanotechnology, which protects the fertilizer’s nutrients from undesirable interactions, multiplies the nutritional value of the fertilizer and maximizes its utilization from the crop.

The adequate nutrition of the plants with both forms of Nitrogen (N) that offers Ωmega fert 14-18-14 (+27), promotes the development of vigorous and early vegetation and contributes decisively to the rich flowering and increased fruit setting, creating the conditions for high yields and quality production.

The high content of water-soluble Phosphorus (P) is combined with the NHET nanotechnology and remains active and assimilable by the plants for a long period. In this way, it promotes the development of a strong root system and the transition of the crop to the reproductive stage, increasing its fertility and productivity.

All Potassium (K) is contained in the form of fully water-soluble Potassium Sulphate. Protects the crop from undesirable side effects of Chlorine, increases water utilization and enhances the resistance of plants to adverse weather conditions and pathogens. The combination of Potassium and NHET nanotechnology scales the supplying of the crop up to the last stages of growth, increasing the size, weight and organoleptic characteristics of the fruit.

The Sulphur (S), except of a very important nutrient for plants, increases the absorption of Phosphorus and Trace Elements by the crop, and also contributes to the best utilization of Nitrogen. In combination with Potassium Sulfate, it improves the quality and organoleptic characteristics of the produced fruit.

Ωmega fert 14-18-14 (+27) combines the completeness and high assimilability of nutrients with the high solubility, the excellent granulometry and innovative NHET nanotechnology. It is a top choice for the basic fertilization of all crops, and especially of intensives exploitations of arboriculture, viticulture and outdoor and greenhouse horticulture, which are aimed at high yields and quality production.

Nitrogen (Ν) Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4) Nitric Nitrogen(NO3) Phosphorus (Ρ2Ο5) Potassium (Κ2Ο) Magnesium (MgO) Sulphur (SO3) Boron (B) Zinc (Zn) Iron (Fe)

Ωmega fert 14-14-14 (23)

Ωmega fert 14-14-14 (+23) is advanced technology multinutrient fertilizer, specially designed for the rational management of fertilization and to increase yields in modern agriculture. With a balanced ratio (1: 1: 1) of primary nutrients and high Sulphur content, it provides complete and efficient nutrition with all the nutrients necessary for the growth and fruiting of crops.

The nano polymer technology NHET which incorporated into each granule, prevents the immobilization of the fertilizer nutrients in the soil, minimizes losses to the environment and increases the availability of nutrients to the plants, maximizing the efficiency of fertilizing and contributing significantly to increased crop yields.

The presence in the soil of both forms of Nitrogen (N) fully covers both the short and long term needs of the crop, ideally supporting vegetation, flowering and fruiting.

Through NHET technology, Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) remain active and assimilable for a long time and are consumed in larger quantities by plants. In this way, the application of Ωmega fert 14-14-14 (+23) achieves rich root and vegetation growth, enhances flowering and fruit setting and increases the yield and quality of production.

The additional enrichment with Sulphur (S) improves the absorption of Nitrogen and boosts Phosphorus and Trace element intake, while the presence of Sulphur together with Potassium improves the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of production.

Ωmega fert 14-14-14 (+23) is the best choice for the basic fertilization of all industrial plants and many arboriculture and horticulture with resistant to high conductivity.

Nitrogen (Ν) Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4) Nitric Nitrogen(NO3) Phosphorus (Ρ2Ο5) Potassium (Κ2Ο) Magnesium (MgO) Sulphur (SO3) Boron (B) Zinc (Zn) Iron (Fe)

Ωmega fert 14-22-7 (20) +0,1Β +0,1Zn

Ωmega fert 14-22-7 (+20) +0,1B +0,1Zn is advanced technology multinutrient fertilizer, which have occurred after many years of research and experimentation in the sector of crop nutrition. Combining NHET technology with a high content of water-soluble Phosphorus, 100% Ammoniacal Nitrogen and the Trace Elements Boron and Zinc, it offers complete and prolonged nutrition to all crops that seek high and quality yields.

NHET nanotechnology works in synergy with the nutrients of the fertilizer and keeps them active and assimilable for a long time, increasing their uptake and utilization by the crop.

The 100% Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH4) increases the efficiency of basic fertilization and fully covers the short- and long- term of crop needs, supporting the vegetation, flowering and fruit setting.

The high water-soluble Phosphorus (P) in combination with nanopolymer technology, improves its availability in the soil, promotes the development of a strong root system and contributes decisively to the fertility and productivity of the crop.

Potassium (K) and Magnesium (Mg) are progressively attributed to plants, increasing the production of carbohydrates and sugars in the leaves, and favoring the formation of robust vegetation in the early stages, and increasing the size, weight and quality characteristics of fruits in the later stages.

The ability of NHET technology to develop chelating properties with the fertilizer’ s Boron (B) and Zinc (Zn), maximizes their availability and uptake by plants. The high utilization of Boron and Zinc, promotes the creation of a strong root system and the development of the leaf area, enhances the flowering and fruit setting and increases the yield of the crop.

Ωmega fert 14-22-7 (+20) +0,1B +0,1Zn is an innovative fertilizer of modern agriculture and has been developed to best meet the requirements of industrial plants (cotton, sunflower, oilseed rape, soybeans ), forage plants, spring crops, arboriculture, horticulture and any crops that seek high yield and quality production.

Nitrogen (Ν) Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4) Nitric Nitrogen(NO3) Phosphorus (Ρ2Ο5) Potassium (Κ2Ο) Magnesium (MgO) Sulphur (SO3) Boron (B) Zinc (Zn) Iron (Fe)

Ωmega fert 18-8-14 (14) +2MgO +0,3B

Ωmega fert 18-8-14 (+14) +2MgO +0,3B is advanced technology multinutrient fertilizer which make good use of all the most recent data of agricultural research in the sector of crop nutrition. Rich in macro and secondary elements, it provides complete and effective nutrition in crops with increased demands on Nitrogen, Potassium, Magnesium and Boron.

The use of NHET technology protects the fertilizer’s nutrients from undesirable interactions, maintains them in assimilable form and ensures maximum availability and absorption from the crop.

It prevents the immobilization of Phosphorus (P) in the soil and increases its intake and effective utilization from crop for a long period, satisfying the fully requirements of plants at the main stages of root system development, flowering and fruit setting, where Phosphorus sufficiency has a decisive effect on evolution and yield of the crop.

Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH4), Potassium (K) and Boron (B) create bonds with the NHET nanopolymer, remain active and assimilable, are more easily absorbed by plant and ensure the optimal nutrition during the stage of vegetation and the growth of fruits.

The ideal combination of nutrients, the high solubility and availability and the excellent granulation, make Ωmega fert 18-8-14 (+14) +2MgO +0,3B the most innovative fertilizer for basic fertilization of olives, fruit trees, beet, sunflower and any borophyll crop.

Nitrogen (Ν) Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4) Nitric Nitrogen(NO3) Phosphorus (Ρ2Ο5) Potassium (Κ2Ο) Magnesium (MgO) Sulphur (SO3) Boron (B) Zinc (Zn) Iron (Fe)

Ωmega fert 20-6-12 (14) +2MgO +0,3B +0,1Zn

Ωmega fert 20-6-12 is an advanced technology Potassium Sulfate fertilizer, specially designed to provide quality nutrition to crops that have increased needs for Nitrogen, Potassium, Boron and Zinc, and are sensitive to Chlorine.

Each granule incorporates the technology of NHET nanopolymer macromolecules, which prevents the reaction of the fertilizer nutrients with the soil components, increases their absorption by the crop and maximizes the efficiency of fertilization.

The supply of plants with both forms of Nitrogen (N), ensures the smooth and integrated nutrition of the crop, both in the vegetative and in the reproductive phase, ideally supporting the formation of robust vegetation, rich flowering and high fruit setting.

Potassium Sulfate (K) and Magnesium, are adsorbed on the surface of the nanopolymer, are delivered in stages to the crop and remain available to plants until the last stages of harvest. Adequacy of Potassium and Magnesium, stimulates vegetative growth, enhances photosynthesis and promotes the synthesis of carbohydrates in the leaves and their transport to the growing fruits, increasing their size, weight and quality.

The ability of NHET technology to chelate Zinc (Zn) and Boron (B), prevents their precipitation in the soil and contributes to their high utilization by the crop. The exploitation of Zinc and Boron by plants, promotes the development of the root system and leaves, ensures good flowering and fruit setting and increases crop productivity.

Sulfur (S), excluding the crucial contribution to plant nutrition, favors the absorption of Nitrogen, maximizes the uptake of Phosphorus and Trace Elements, while its combination with Potassium Sulfate improves the quality and quantity characteristics of the final products.

Ωmega fert 20-6-12 is a top choice for the fertilization of olives, vegetables, citrus and other fruit trees, as well as all borophilic crops, in all soil types.

Nitrogen (Ν) Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4) Nitric Nitrogen(NO3) Phosphorus (Ρ2Ο5) Potassium (Κ2Ο) Magnesium (MgO) Sulphur (SO3) Boron (B) Zinc (Zn) Iron (Fe)

Ωmega fert 20-10-5 (21)

Ωmega fert 20-10-5 (+21) is innovative complex multi-nutrient fertilizer that incorporates NHET nanopolymer technology. It protects the fertilizer’s nutrients from inactivating them on the soil, increases their availability and uptake by the plants and adequately covers the supply of the crop at crucial stages of its development.

Nitric Nitrogen is directly absorbed by the plants and provides the required energy for the rapid growth of the root and vegetation, while the adsorption of Ammoniacal Nitrogen on the surface of the nanopolymer reduces vaporization and increases its utilization from crop at later stages of growth.

NHET technology protects the high content of water-soluble Phosphorus (P) by inactivation and maintains it active and assimilable from crop for a long period, ensuring the creation a strong root system, rich flowering and high fruit setting.

Potassium (K) is adsorbed on the surface of the nanopolymer, is supplied by scaling to crop and made available to plants at high demand period, significantly increasing the vegetation, fruiting and productivity of crop.

The additional enrichment with Sulphur (S) improves the absorption of Nitrogen and boosts Phosphorus and Trace element intake, while the presence of Sulphur together with Potassium improves the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of production.

The combination of the above characteristics, make Ωmega fert 20-10-5 (+21) ideal for the basic fertilization of winter cereals, cotton, as well as a wide range of crops with high demand on Nitrogen.

Nitrogen (Ν) Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4) Nitric Nitrogen(NO3) Phosphorus (Ρ2Ο5) Potassium (Κ2Ο) Magnesium (MgO) Sulphur (SO3) Boron (B) Zinc (Zn) Iron (Fe)

Ωmega fert 24-8-8 (7) +0,3Zn

Ωmega fert 24-8-8 (+7) +0,3Zn is advanced technology multinutrient fertilizer which has been designed to efficiently supply of the crops which exhibit rich and rapid growth of leaf area in a short time, such as corn.

By incorporating NHET nanopolymer technology, it protects nutrients from undesirable reactions to the soil, increases their availability in the crop, minimizes losses to environment and maximizes the efficiency of fertilization, ensuring complete plant nutrition.

It perfectly covers the increased demands of Nitrogenous crops by providing the required Nitrogen to develop a strong root and rich vegetation, while at the same time ensuring Nitrogen sufficiency for the creation of flower induction and the success of flowering and fruit setting.

Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) contained in fertilizer, remain active and assimilable for a long period, are more easily absorbed by the plants and thus contribute to the formation of the flower meristems, enhancing the flowering and fruit setting of the crop.

The ability of the NHET technology to chelate Zinc (Zn) promotes auxin production, boosts root and leaf growth and improves flowering and fruit setting, increasing the number and size of the fruit.

Ωmega fert 24-8-8 (+7) +0,3Zn has been developed to offer complete nutrition and to best meet the demands of fast-growing crops. It is a top choice for the basic fertilization of corn and all spring crops with high demands on Nitrogen and Zinc.

Nitrogen (Ν) Ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4) Nitric Nitrogen(NO3) Phosphorus (Ρ2Ο5) Potassium (Κ2Ο) Magnesium (MgO) Sulphur (SO3) Boron (B) Zinc (Zn) Iron (Fe)

The healthy development and high productivity of the crops depends on the capacity of the plants to utilize water, and mainly on their capacity to take up the nutrients supplied to them through fertilizing with ease and without losses.

Ωmega fert fertilizers prevent the nutrients in them from reacting with the soil components, protect them from immobilization, and minimize losses that are due to leaching and vaporization, thus increasing their availability to the plants.

Their mode of action is due to the powerful cation-exchange capacity (CEC = 650 meq/100gr) and chelating properties of the NHET nanotechnology, which is integrated in each granule of the fertilizer.

Due to its powerful negative electrical charge, the NHET nanopolymer absorbs in its surface all the cations in the soil (Ca, Mg, Fe, Al,) which react with Phosphorus. It thus prevents poorly soluble Phosphates from forming and maintains Phosphorus free and easily assimilable by the crops for a long period of time.

In addition to absorbing the cations in the soil, ΝΗΕΤ technology also functions as a “collector” of all nutrients with a positive charge that are added to the crops through fertilizer (Κ, ΜgO, NH4, Ca, Fe, Zn, B, Mn, Cu).

It collects the Potassium and Magnesium in the fertilizer, preventing them from leaching in sandy soils and from strong bonds in clay soils. At the same time, it forms bonds with Ammoniacal Nitrogen (ΝΗ4), thus preventing it from turning into free Ammonia which leads to Nitrogen losses in periods of drought.

Trace Elements (Fe, Zn, B, Mn, Cu) are protected both through ionic absorption at the surface of the nanopolymer and through the latter’s powerful chelating properties.

By forming stable complexes with Trace Elements, NHET technology prevents their oxidation, reduction, and precipitation in the soil and maintains them active, thus ensuring that the crops have sufficient nutrition throughout their biological cycle.

Ωmega fert fertilizers have triple protective action. They prevent the immobilization of Phosphorus by increasing its uptake by the plants, they minimize the losses of the rest of the nutrients by scaling their supply to the crops, and they form chelating bonds with Trace Elements, thus maintaining them active and available for a long period of time.

Crops fertilized with Ωmega fert show an increased uptake of nutrients and water, develop robust root systems and healthy foliage, and achieve rich flowering and higher yields.

Increased utilization of the nutrients in the fertilizer

When fertilizing crops with common fertilizers, the Phosphorus contained in them is soon immobilized, Potassium is strongly bound in heavy soils and easily leached in sandy soils, while Trace Elements form non-assimilable compounds, depending on the physico-chemical properties of the soil. These conversions prevent the crops from utilizing the largest part of the nutrients and reduce fertilizer efficiency.

Ωmega fert fertilizers form a “shield” protecting nutrients and preventing the process of immobilization of the fertilizer in the soil, thus increasing its utilization by the crops and maximizing the efficiency of fertilizing.

The nutrients in the soil are protected by unwanted interactions, remain active and assimilable for a longer period of time, and are taken up by the plants with greater ease and in larger quantities.

The increased uptake of the nutrients in the fertilizer and prolonged nutrition of the crops boost vegetative growth and fruiting and significantly increase crop yields.

Utilization of the nutrients bound in the soil

The high cation-exchange capacity (CEC = 650 meq/100gr) of the NHET nanopolymer allows it to function as a cation collector and to absorb in its surface all the nutrients in the soil with a positive electrical charge.

The absorption of surplus Calcium and Magnesium in alkaline soils and of free Aluminum and Iron in acidic soils frees Phosphorus quantities which were already in the soil but had been bound by the aforementioned elements. These quantities are made available to the plants once again, thus supplying the crops with more Phosphorus from the soil in addition to that provided through fertilizing.

At the same time, the amount of cations absorbed in the surface of the NHET polymer from the soil are gradually supplied to the crops, thus creating a surplus of nutrients in the rizosphere of the plants which is larger than the quantity supplied through fertilizing.

Finally, the capacity of NHET technology to develop chelating properties activates the immobilized Trace Elements in the soil (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu) and restores them to an assimilable form, allowing them to be taken up by the plants.

The mode of action of the Ωmega fert fertilizers allows the plants to utilize the nutrients immobilized in the soil in addition to those in the fertilizer, as well as any residual elements from previous fertilizing, thus improving the nutrition of crops and increasing their yields.

Easier water and nutrient uptake

The presence of moisture/water in the soil is crucial to crop nutrition. The nutrients move towards the roots of the plants through the water, while the roots themselves also grow towards those parts in the soils where there is greater moisture.

Due to its absorbent properties, NHET technology absorbs in its surface molecules of soil water along with the nutrients, thus increasing their concentration in the environment of the root system.

The presence of both water and nutrients in the same part of the soil boosts root growth towards the nutrients and increases the uptake of the latter by the crops.

At the same time, increased Phosphorus absorption promotes the growth of a robust root system. The plants utilize a larger volume of soil, absorb larger quantities of nutrients and water, and achieve higher yields of better quality.

Ωmega fert fertilizers are advanced technology chemical fertilizers which make good use of all the most recent data of agricultural research in the field of crop nutrition.

During their production process, NHET nanotechnology is integrated in each granule, which protects the nutrients from unwanted interactions, preserves their mobility for a long period of time, and facilitates their uptake by the crops.

Having the capacity to prevent the process of immobilization of the nutrients in the soil, Ωmega fert fertilizers supply the plants with easily assimilable nutrition, multiply the nutritional value of the fertilizer, maximize its utilization by the crops, and achieve high yields.

Designed to provide integral and efficient nutrition, they are produced and made available in the form of Nitrogen Phosphate (ΝΡ) and multinutrient (ΝΡΚ) fertilizers, suitable for the basic fertilizing of all crops.

Their excellent granulometry, high solubility, and unique capacity to increase the efficiency of fertilizing make Ωmega fert the top fertilizers for an integral nutrition of the crops and increased yields, especially in poorly fertile and depleted from constant cultivation soils.